In Landscapes, you’ll see the relationship of light to form and especially the effect each has on the other. Light is the constant, with active water, rugged hills, and vibrant foliage moving the eye around the canvases. Here I’ve built up layers of wax, creating sculpture-like qualities and three-dimensional textures—one of the gems of using encaustic. No matter the imprint humankind makes on a landscape, the organic shapes and lines of nature draw us beyond our small achievements into the mystery and majesty of a world so large, so powerful that we cannot ignore it.

30"x30" encaustic, archival photo and oils on wood panel

Permanent Collection At Encaustic Museum of Art Santa Fe, NM

30" x 30"encaustic, archival photo and oils SOLD

24" x 30"encaustic, archival photo and oils

24" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils

24" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel SOLD

24" x 30" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel

24" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel SOLD

32" x 32" encaustic, archival photo and oils on wood panel

24"x24" encaustic, archival photo, sand and oils on wood panel

32" x 16" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel

20" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel

18" x 18" encaustic, archival photo and oils SOLD

24" x 30" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel

24" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils

24" x 24" encaustic, archival photo, and oils on wood panel